Appointment Scheduling System

Appointment Scheduling System

Please read through all the instructions below before booking your appointment.

  • New to college students, please follow the instructions regarding workshop sign-up or Express referral here, rather than using our continuing student appointment booking system.
  • As you book your appointment, please read through all the Reasons and choose the reason(s) and note the lengh of appointment associated with that reason.  If you choose a 30 min appointment reason, your appointment will be 30 min.  If you have multiple topics to disucss, choose the multiple topics resaon code for a 60 min. appointment and add comments as to what you would like to discuss in your appointment.
  • If you have transcripts you would like a counselor to review that are not held at Admissons and Records, please email unofficial documents to (include name, student ID#, phone number and date/time of your appointment) at least ONE BUSINESS DAY prior to your appointment.  We cannot guarantee late documents will get to the counselor in time for your appointment.
  • Please use the comments section when booking your appointment. This will greatly help your counselor prepare for your appointment.
  • If you are part of one of the programs listed below. Please do not use this online booking system. Call the program directly.


Please note appointment availability times noted below. Clear the cache in your browser if booking system link doesn’t show availability times as listed under each button.

Appointments available 8:30am – 5:30pm Mon-Thur. 8:30am-2:30pm Fri.

Appointments available 10am- 4:00pm Mon., Tue., Wed.

If you are part of one of the groups below, please contact them directly to book your appointment.

  • EOPS students, please call 707-864-7000 ext. 4444,
  • CalWORKs, please call 707-864-7000 ext. 4645
  • DSP, please call 707-864-7136
  • Active Duty Military/Veterans, please call 707-864-7105
  • If you are on Probation II or Academic Dismissal, please call 707 864-7101 or email, and mention your academic standing for an appointment with a Counselor to help you with your academic goals
  • Puente students, email Rebecca La Count, 

Counseling Locations

Please select the location of where you would like to schedule a counseling appointment 

Schedule an appointment at the Fairfield (Main) Campus.

Counseling Department – Fairfield Campus
4000 Suisun Valley Road
Student Services Building 400
(707) 864-7101

Vallejo Center counseling appointments are held in Room #108.

Counseling Department – Vallejo Center
545 Columbus Parkway
(707) 642-8188

Check in at main building front desk.
Counseling Department – Vacaville Center
2001 North Village Parkway
(707) 863-7836