Please review Registration FAQ regarding common concerns of students and how to submit information, so we can help you in the fastest way possible.
Closed-Select Waitlist from the drop-down menu to join Waitlist
to confirm the course is open. If you attempt to register for a course that is full, you will receive a message to add yourself to the waitlist, if that is an option. Please see the “Adding Yourself to a Waitlist Video” in our Tips and Resources section, if you are unsure how to add yourself to a wait list.
Time conflict with CRN
403 Forbidden
Cohort Restriction
You have attempted to register for more than the maximum units and need to submit an Excess Load Petition (see Petition section below for more information). The maximum number of units a student can register for Spring/Fall is 20 or 12 units in Summer. For Special Admission (K-12) students the maximum units for Fall/Spring is 11.00 and 5.99 in summer.
Please complete an application (or re-apply if you have been away from Solano) at CCC Apply.
Please note for HS Special Admission students, the maximum number of units for Summer is 5.99. Most courses are 3 units, so if you would like to take 2 classes over summer, you will need to submit an Excess load petition for .01 unit. Special Admission students who register for 12 or more units during fall/spring or for 6 or more units during the summer) must pay the enrollment fee for all units registered (not just the extra unit above the max). All other fees must be paid by both part-time and full-time Special Admission students (i.e. Health Center Fee, Student Center Fee.) When possible, please submit a copy of Solano Community College – 707-864-7000 your Special Admission Form along with the Excess Load petition for full understanding of the courses you want to take. Submit to
Special Admission (K-12) Petition
Videos and Handouts on Registering, Picking Classes, Nursing Program and More!
Please see below for videos and handouts on how to pick class, how to register for classes, how to get on a waitlist, how to pick and educational goal, and more!
Reading the Schedule for During Mostly Online Semesters (COVID) (video – 10 min)
How to Register for Classes (video – 6 min)
Reading the Schedule (video – 6:30 min)
Reading the Schedule (pdf)
How to Register (pdf)
Waitlist FAQs (pdf)
Requesting an Add Code from Faculty (pdf)
How to Add Yourself to a Waitlist (video – 4:50 min)
Textbooks and Apps (pdf)
Picking Your Educational Goal and Understanding College Terminology(video – 5:10 min)
Solano Programs List 2020-2021 (pdf)
21-22 Local AA degree only – not for transfer (yellow) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
21-22 IGETC (UC and CSU Transfer) (purple) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
21-22 CSU Transfer Only (green) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
Understanding Your Education Plan (video – 4:30 min)
Using the Catalog and General Education Options to Choose your Classes (video – 12 min)
Understanding General Education Requirements (video – 6:15 min)
Review Your Degree Progress (video – 33 min)
Choosing your Math and English Course (video, 11 min)
Using – to prepare for transferring (video – 8:30 min)
English and Math Placement Grid (pdf)
Math Course Sequence (pdf)
Weekly Schedule – blank template (pdf)
Organizing for Online Success (video – 12 min)
Online Study Skills and Managing Time (video – 12 min)
Zoom FAQs (pdf)
Using Zoom for a Counseling Appointment (pdf)
How to use Zoom for a Counseling Appointment (video – 5:30 min)
Using different functions and settings on Zoom (video – 10 min)
Pre-Nursing General Education Outline (pdf)
Watch First – Getting Started on Pathway to Nursing (video – 14:30 min.)
Desired Qualities of Nurses/Good and Bad Reasons to Become a Nurse (video – 9:30 min)
Preparation and Requirements to Apply to SCC Registered Nursing Program (video – 14:30 min)
Nursing Pre-Major and GE Check Sheet Opt. A (AS degree only) (video – 12 min.)
Preparing for SCC RN and CSU BSN, using CSU GE Pattern with Education Plan (video – 14:30 min.)
What to Expect in Solano Community College’s Registered Nursing Program (video – 12 min.)
Good and Bad Reasons to go Into Nursing (video – 10:50 min)